sermons about character

#8 The New Self

series: Love Incorruptible

title: The New Self

date: June 11, 2017

teacher: Jacob Bender

scriptures: Ephesians 4:17-32, Matthew 7:12, Ecclesiastes 7:2, 2 Corinthians 5:14, 

This section begins by working on the issue of ME. The issue of YOU. 

Paul tells us to put OFF the old self… put away everything that used to be us… the former life… the corruption… the greed that drives most of our lives. Put it all away. 

That used to be your life… That is not your life anymore

You have learned Christ… Christ has done something NEW in you. 


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#6 Indifference

series: Thawing

title: indifference

teacher: Jacob Bender

date: February 12, 2017

scriptures: Revelation 3:14-20, Ezekiel 16:49, Matthew 25:45-46, Luke 16, Deuteronomy 27:19, Ephesians 6, 1 John 3:18

Jesus says to the church in Laodicea - "would that you be hot or cold... but because you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth!" -Revelation 3:15-16.

 Most of us growing up being taught: You should be one or the other… and we associate hot or cold as being GOOD or BAD… and the teaching is typically that being lukewarm means you are somewhere in the middle of good and bad... and with THAT framework we hear Jesus saying: you are lukewarm and because of that I will spit you out of my mouth! and That leaves people thinking that Jesus would rather a person flat out deny him… not serve him at all, than to serve him, we could say: “half heartedly” - but what does that even mean? 

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#5 After an Election

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teacher: Jacob Bender

date: November 13, 2016

series: Jonah

title: After an Election

scriptures: Psalm 11, Romans 13, Jonah 3, Jonah 4:1-3, Psalm 56:8, Isaiah 57:15 (mentioned), 1 Corinthians 9:22, Jon 13:35, 2 Peter 1:3-8

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#10 Giving

series: Red Letter City

title: Giving

teacher: Jacob Bender

date: June 19, 2016

scriptures: Matthew 6:1-4, John 5:44, Matthew 23, Romans 2:16, 1 Samuel 16:7, Isaiah 57:15, Jeremiah 22:16, Philippians 3:10, 1 John 4:6-7, 

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#1 The Beatitudes

series: Red Letter City

title: The Beatitudes (overview)

teacher: Jacob Bender

date: April 10, 2016

scriptures: 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, Luke 6:40, Matthew 5:1-12

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alongside of our series on "the sermon on the mount, we did a midweek Bible study through each individual Beatitude. Listen to those teachings below!

alongside of our series on "the sermon on the mount, we did a midweek Bible study through each individual Beatitude. Listen to those teachings below!

Last week our family went on vacation.

It was the kids spring break, and Dawn’s mom blessed us with an awesome place to stay in Orlando. It was a really great time. so we were gone for a little over a week, and even in that small window of time… in fact, only two short days into the trip, one family in our church had a baby… they welcomed new life into this world that they get to be stewards of now. A crying bundle of joy, we got to go and visit them as soon as we got back and it was just so good to see this child born, healthy. The mom doing great. A beautiful child. 

And they rejoiced, and we rejoice with them because Romans 12:15 says to rejoice with those who rejoice. But then right after that, it says to mourn with those who mourn

and only a day later, while we were still gone in Florida and completely disconnected from what was happening here, another family in our church faced a tragedy. 

and I received the message of this news, and man, it crushed me. Because people matter… every one of you matter, and even if Paul hadn’t said to mourn with those who mourn I believe that i would still mourn. Because even though my life is so full of imperfections, Christ is working on my heart every day and making him more and more like him… and he hurts for people… and in those moments a mourning position becomes the only sensible one. 

When you live elbow to elbow with people that you come to love and then something happens in their life that only happens because we live in a world that is just so broken… man, all you can do is mourn.

You have to understand that this message is about a Kingdom.

Because this Kingdom of heaven that is here on earth is standing opposite to the earthly kingdom that we live in. And the earthly one is completely broken.  and how our Kingdom engages that one will determine the fate of our city. Peoples souls are at fate. Peoples eternities are depending on us to learn how to love them in a way that shows them Jesus. 

Detroit’s future depends on the Red Letter City.

It depends on us bringing heaven to earth, because everything in this kingdom is so fickle. It is fleeting… it is changing. 

Things for both families were one way, and then you blink, and it all changed. 

Things change in this kingdom. 

But Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever

and when tragedy hits it makes you evaluate your life. The way you are raising your family. The way you treat your spouse, and your friends, and those who God puts in your path. 

Even when I look at my life… it seems like it is just flying by. We have been pastors here almost a whole year… May 1 will make a year. That is crazy. I met Dawn ten years ago this June, and the last ten years have just flown by. 

I blinked, and I have three kids, and have lived in Lansing, Los Angeles, three of the five New York burroughs and now Detroit. and I want to make every moment count… so that every person that I come in contact with on that journey comes in contact with Jesus… because He is in me and that should be obvious. 

Something else happened the week I was gone that really made me wonder about those things…

it made me wonder, “does my life look like Jesus? Am I shining the light of Jesus everywhere I go? And made me seek Jesus’ face in prayer because man, I want to raise my family in a way that ushers in the Kingdom of heaven. I want my home to be a haven for my children as much as anyone else who enters it… that they look to our family and they see Jesus. I want to be an example like so many others have set for me. 

There is a family I grew up with. A great family. Several members of this family are very close friends of Dawn and I. In the first two days that we were gone on our vacation, their grandmother passed away. She lived in Lansing so all of their family who live all over the country now, from Wisconsin to Philadelphia, all regrouped here in Michigan… for a funeral. and one of them posted a picture of her grandfather… the man who had just lost his wife, and he is sitting around a table surrounded by all of his children. And he is kind of smiling in this picture, and moving his arms in a way that it is obvious he is teaching his adult children, even in that moment. And all of their heads are facing him and their eyes are locked on him. 

and I couldn’t help but wonder as I starred at this picture… “What is he teaching them in that moment?” that would cause them to look with such anticipation for what he was sharing, in the midst of such a brokenness and void that they all had to of been feeling…

and then I wondered, how did he and his wife manage to raise that many kids up in such a way that they still hung on every word that he says? 

When everything about our world is despair and pain and disappointment how did this family turn out ok?

How is it that some people can rejoice even when they mourn?

How is it that in the middle of loss, people can come together and somehow, in some amazing way, they can do something collectively that just feels like Jesus. Thats just this beautiful reflection of what he is like. 

Like he is there. and everything that is supposed to be wrong, is going to turn out ok

its almost as if they have learned a secret. and I am not sure if I have learned it myself yet or not, but if I had to guess as to what it is, it would be this. 

That Jesus lives in the broken places of our hearts.

That he came to call the sinner… the broken one. 

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor… but those who are sick.”

But what if the secret is just realizing, “We are all sick.” 

Some of us just don’t know it yet. 

#8 Thou Shall Covet

Series: Realities

Title: Thou Shall Covet

Teacher: Jacob Bender

Date: November 8, 2015

scriptures: Exodus 20:1-17, Psalm 19:10, Psalm 68:16, Proverbs 5:18, Philippians 4:11-14, Romans 7, Hebrews 12:2

In English, the word covet, is a bad word. In English it means “a yearning to possess or have something.”

I have heard it put this way, it is an inward grasping for something… something that is not yours... It means you don’t have something, and you yearn for it. Maybe we think we are nothing without it. We hear that word, and right away we default to the Ten Commandments. Right away, we think, this is a bad word. This is something that we must not do. Ever. Under any circumstances. I think that the word we typically associate to it is the word jealousy. Or the word envy… and where the command as a whole may be getting at that, those things are not the same as coveting, in the way it was written on the tablets. Not at all.

The Hebrew word written on the tablet that we translate as “covet” is the word “chamad” (huh-mad). And “chamad” (huh-mad) is a good thing. Its a beautiful word that demonstrates a satisfaction with what God gave you. The word “chamad” (huh-mad) means “Delight.” or “To take pleasure in.”

So when you say that you are coveting something, if you are actually quoting the tenth commandment, you are saying that you “Take delight in that thing.”

I covet my wife. I absolutely covet my wife. I take delight in her. In fact, as the days go by I hope and pray that my delight for her only grows and grows.

I covet my children.

Honestly, you should covet (chamad) your friends. Your friends carry a lot of weight. They are very valuable. You should delight in the fact that you have them. You should delight in your relationships. They are gifts.

To say you chamad something does NOT mean you are jealous of it, it means that you delight IN IT.

What you should not do, is covet your friends house.

What you should not do, is covet what your friends have.

God has given you specific things in this life that are tailor made just for you.

For your life.

For your family.

and to not delight in those things would be a slap in the face to the God who gave them to you.

You see, the problem lies in when you covet what is not yours. The command does not say Thou shall not covet.

Thou shall covet.

Thou shall certainly covet.

But thou shall never, ever covet what belongs to someone else.

RESOURCE NOTE: the website referenced today to help you with your studies is

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#10 Self Control

Date: September 6, 2015
Series: The Fruit of the Spirit
Title: Self Control
Teacher: Jacob Bender

scriptures: Proverbs 25:28, 1 Corinthians 9:25, Joshua 6, Nehemiah 1:4, John 14:26, Hebrew 4:14, Romans 7:19, 1 Peter 5:8, Nehemiah 2:17, Proverbs 16:32, Luke 4:1-15, 1 Kings 3:1-15, John 1:1, John 1:4, Luke 23:34, Luke 23:37, Psalm 91:11-12, Luke 3:21-22, John 14:16, 2 Corinthians 3:17

Self Control, or as the King James version calls it, temperance, is the Greek word egkrateia and it means “The Virtue of One who masters his desires and passions” – It is the word “krat” which means lordship, combined with the word “ego,” meaning “self.” It essentially means that you have “Lordship over your self”

Perhaps a better, more applicable way to say it is like this, that your “self” does not have lordship over you.

You are not controlled by the quick impulses, the fleshly desires, or even the first instincts.

Jesus had to demonstrate incredible self control when he was being tempted by the Devil, and he is our ultimate example of “Self Control” as well as every other fruit.

#3 The Intentional Heart

DATE: May 31, 2015
TEACHING: Jacob Bender
SERIES: Intentions
TITLE: The Intentional Heart

SCRIPTURES: Proverbs 20:6, Proverbs 22:1, Matthew 6:1-2, Matthew 19:16-22, Luke 18:18-30, Psalm 112:1, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 23, Jeremiah 31:33, Isaiah 32:8, Proverbs 19:17, Psalm 112, 1 John 3:16

Love. Serve. Repeat.

“a generous man devises a generous plan, and on generosity he shall stand” (Isaiah 32:8)”

Love. Serve. Repeat.

“Whoever is generous to the poor LENDS to the Lord… and HE will repay him for his deed.” (Proverbs 19:17)

Love. Serve. Repeat.

“Bare one another’s burdens, because that is how you fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

Love. Serve. Repeat.

Love. Serve. Repeat.

And before long, its just you.

#2 The Pretending Heart

DATE: May 24, 2015
TEACHERS: Jacob & Dawn Bender
SERIES: Intentions
TITLE: The Pretending Heart

SCRIPTURES: 1 John 1:5-10, Jeremiah 1:5, Isaiah 6, Genesis 2:16, Hebrew 6:17-19, Ephesians 6:20-21, Hebrews 4:13-16.

Who are you?
Where are you?
What are you hiding behind?
What are you hiding in front of?
Why are you hiding?

And when do we get to see the real you?