related to "antichrists" sermon



the logos became sarx and tabernacled



The first few words of Acts 2:1 reveals that there is more going on with Pentecost than just what was happening that day. 

Jesus Curses the Fig Tree

series: A week to live

title: Jesus Curses the Fig Tree

date: April 9, 2017

teacher: Jacob Bender

scriptures: Mark 11:12-25, Luke 6:40, Luke 11:11-14, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Matthew 25:14-30, Ezekiel 17, Mark 11:27

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#6 Indifference

series: Thawing

title: indifference

teacher: Jacob Bender

date: February 12, 2017

scriptures: Revelation 3:14-20, Ezekiel 16:49, Matthew 25:45-46, Luke 16, Deuteronomy 27:19, Ephesians 6, 1 John 3:18

Jesus says to the church in Laodicea - "would that you be hot or cold... but because you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth!" -Revelation 3:15-16.

 Most of us growing up being taught: You should be one or the other… and we associate hot or cold as being GOOD or BAD… and the teaching is typically that being lukewarm means you are somewhere in the middle of good and bad... and with THAT framework we hear Jesus saying: you are lukewarm and because of that I will spit you out of my mouth! and That leaves people thinking that Jesus would rather a person flat out deny him… not serve him at all, than to serve him, we could say: “half heartedly” - but what does that even mean? 

Hot Spring near Laodicea.png
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#13 Treasures

series: Red Letter City

title: Treasures

date: July 10, 2016

teacher: Jacob Bender

scriptures: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Acts 20:24, Matthew 6:19-24 (main passage), 1 Timothy 6:18-19, Malachi 3:16, Genesis 11, Revelation 18, Matthew 23:23, Malachi 3:10, Revelation 18, Revelation 13:17, Luke 16:11, 2 Corinthians 6:10, Proverbs 27:20

#1 Life of Hope

series: Lets talk about Hope

title: Life of Hope

date: March 13, 2016

teacher: Jacob Bender

scriptures: Isaiah 9:2-7, Hebrews 6:19, Titus 2:13, Matthew 10, Proverbs 13:12, John 5, Mark 3:1-6, John 1:4-5, John 11:53, 

#10 Self Control

Date: September 6, 2015
Series: The Fruit of the Spirit
Title: Self Control
Teacher: Jacob Bender

scriptures: Proverbs 25:28, 1 Corinthians 9:25, Joshua 6, Nehemiah 1:4, John 14:26, Hebrew 4:14, Romans 7:19, 1 Peter 5:8, Nehemiah 2:17, Proverbs 16:32, Luke 4:1-15, 1 Kings 3:1-15, John 1:1, John 1:4, Luke 23:34, Luke 23:37, Psalm 91:11-12, Luke 3:21-22, John 14:16, 2 Corinthians 3:17

Self Control, or as the King James version calls it, temperance, is the Greek word egkrateia and it means “The Virtue of One who masters his desires and passions” – It is the word “krat” which means lordship, combined with the word “ego,” meaning “self.” It essentially means that you have “Lordship over your self”

Perhaps a better, more applicable way to say it is like this, that your “self” does not have lordship over you.

You are not controlled by the quick impulses, the fleshly desires, or even the first instincts.

Jesus had to demonstrate incredible self control when he was being tempted by the Devil, and he is our ultimate example of “Self Control” as well as every other fruit.