series: Gifts of the Spirit
title: Pentecost
teacher: Jacob Bender
date: February 11, 2018
scriptures: Acts 2:1-8, Exodus 34:28, Exodus 19:16-20 , Exodus 20:18-21, Acts 10:34, Exodus 3:3, Hebrews 12:18-29
In this series, we dive into some complex issues that at times may be difficult to understand. We do not want to leave anyone confused in any way, so if you have any questions about what was taught, or if you have a question about the Gifts of the Spirit that we did not cover, please submit your question to us and we will do our best to respond to you and to post it online for others.
so many people have built a foundational view of Pentecost without actually looking at the Foundation of Pentecost.
But the first line of Acts 2 is far more important than we often recognize… it says this: “When the day of Pentecost arrived” It doesn’t say: the things about to be recorded is why we will one day call this day Pentecost. No… THOSE THINGS HAPPENED ON PENTECOST. It was an actual day that the everyone, like every other year before that, was gathering to celebrate.
And understanding what they were celebrating is the first step in understanding just how significant what happened on that particular Pentecost really was.