if you have no gauge on what is important, then you have no way to measure whether or not you are on the right track.
That is what Core Values do…
they keep us disciplined… they keep us on mission… they give us something the bounce whatever it is we are doing, off of, and see… IS THIS FURTHERING THE MISSION OF MY LIFE?
I know for us, in this city, as transient as it is, and just because of the heart of the city… it can sometimes be difficult to determine “God… are we on the right path?” but this gives us a clear guide…
So we ask questions like:
are we living and growing more and more generous? Are we working together more than we used to? Are we getting more courageous with every new step we take?or are we getting more timid and less bold with each step we take? are we holding closer to our wallets because we feel like things are too tight for us to help anyone else…
Are we living our lives outside of ourselves? Are we reading the word of God more, praying more, and growing in our worship and adoration for Jesus? Or have those things become afterthoughts to our busy lives?
Unless you build the foundation of your life on PURPOSE, you very well may find yourself working and working and working but never feeling like you have gotten anywhere.
In putting together this Core Values series, and shaping a lot of the direction for where we see our church going, the following books were either directly used and were mentioned or quoted during the series.
In putting together this Core Values series, and shaping a lot of the direction for where we see our church going, the following books were instrumental in the shaping of the values.
Character means that We live publicly like we do in private. We write the Word of God on our hearts, practice generosity, and prioritize integrity.