Gifts of the Spirit


The Gifts of the Spirit are without a doubt the absolute most divisive subject WITHIN THE CHURCH over the last 100 or so years. 

Nothing has been more divisive, because it has an enormous target on its back. When the Church is functioning in these gifts in the proper order and with love as the centerpiece, as Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 12, 13 and 14, it becomes an unstoppable force for change in our world.

But its something that we absolutely have to do everything that we possibly can to get right, so that our gifts truly would point people to Jesus, and not push them away from Him. 



Frank Macchia "Groans Too Deep for Words"

***Please note that all of the following books were used as resources for this series but not everything in each of these books lines up perfectly with the conclusions that we have drawn in the series. These resources will help you in any continued …

***Please note that all of the following books were used as resources for this series but not everything in each of these books lines up perfectly with the conclusions that we have drawn in the series. These resources will help you in any continued study beyond what we have done, as you wrestle with this difficult topic yourself. We strongly encourage you to begin with the teaching series

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