
Join us as we move slowly through the book of Romans throughout the entire year of 2019.

One of our Core Values at Courage Church is CONVERSATION, and if you have any questions about the book of Romans, you can submit those to us and we will do our best to answer them via a recorded Q&R time at Courage Church, or through a podcast or written response. We look forward to your questions and the conversations that will come from them!

(while supplies last) we will provide everyone who attends Courage Church while we study Romans, with one copy of the Romans Scripture Journal. We recommend that you order one for yourself if you are studying along with us, so you can take notes right along with the teaching.

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How most of us read the Bible needs to change, if we are ever going to truly be changed by it.


The Bible’s job is not to affirm you. It is not here to make you feel good about all of the things that you already believe. It’s easy to read the Bible through the perspective that you already view life through and find things that YOU CAN USE to continue viewing things that way. That is how most of us read the Bible. We read it, constantly framing God into whatever box we are already convinced that He lives in. 

It is very HARD to approach something that you HAVE seen before (or read before), with fresh eyes ready to learn something NEW from it… But if we go into this series just wanting to hear things that we already know, we will keep living the same way that we are living.

But this book has the power to change your entire life.

So as we begin this series through the book of Romans, let’s begin with a simple prayer:

Let’s ask God to change us through the reading of His Word.

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This is a list of the primary resources that were used when building this teaching series. A full bibliography of all resources will be released upon completion. There are additional book recommendations included on the individual sermons of books referenced specifically for that teaching.

The series on Paul’s letter to the Romans is an incredibly extensive study. Many of the sermons in this series have additional podcast recordings, blog posts and clips from Sunday services including the closing thoughts at the end of service. We encourage you to take the study slowly, and do not be afraid to ask questions.

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Please note: the sermons are listed from most recent to oldest, so if you wish to start at the beginning, you need to scroll to the bottom and click on “01 The Introduction”

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