08 The Judgment

series: Romans

title: The Judgment

teacher: Jacob Bender

date: March 10, 2019

scriptures: Romans 2:3-16, Micah 6:6-8, Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 25:31-46. 

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Due to a technical difficulty during this sermon, there is currently no video available. Please also note that because of the issue we were having with the microphone, we had to re-record/splice in the middle section of the teaching which is a noticeable change, but do to the importance of the content in this sermon we felt we had to make sure it was presented properly.

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There is this moment in the book of Micah… and the question is being asked: WHAT SACRIFICE WILL BE SUFFICIENT? 

And they ask (6:7) - will the Lord be pleased with a THOUSAND RAMS? With ten thousand rivers of oil? 

If we kill every animal on the farm, will that get through to God? 

then it goes so far as to say: Shall I give my firstborn, for my transgression?

It’s this willingness to do anything… I mean anything to save your soul. To alter your circumstances… to attain the favor of the Lord… But all they were buying was a false sense of security, all the while now having to live life without the things that meant to the most to them.

But the answer that we find in Micah, to the question of “what does the Lord require - is actually much different than any of them would have thought. And this is PRE JESUS! Remember, the Gospel has always been true.

this is what it says:

 what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? 

You have made your entire lives, and your entire experience with God about the things that you GIVE UP thinking that it is making Him come closer to you… all of the things that you sacrifice… but every time you make a sacrifice, it only takes a moment before you find yourself needing to make another one… because if life is fueled by the things that you give up, there will always be more to give up. 

try this: do justice… love kindness… walk humbly with your God. 

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