


Character means that We live publicly like we do in private. We write the Word of God on our hearts, practice generosity, and prioritize integrity.

five: contribution

five: contribution

Contribution understands that everybody has a role, and there is room for us here. We know that the gifts we are given matter to the body of Christ, and we so seek to discover where we each fit. 

We honor the contributions of others, knowing that God perfectly crafted each one of us, and only together are we truly the church.

#12 Fasting

series: Red Letter City

title: Fasting

teacher: Jacob Bender

date: July 3, 2016

scriptures: Matthew 6:16-18, Hebrew 10:16, Proverbs 20:6, Matthew 9:14, Matthew 9:15, Matthew 3:17, Genesis 3, John 8:44

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#11 Praying

series: Red Letter City

title: Praying

teacher: Jacob Bender

date: June 26, 2016

scriptures: Luke 11:1, Matthew 6:5-15 (main passage), Matthew 18:20, Acts 3:16, Hebrews 4:16, Leviticus 16



#10 Giving

series: Red Letter City

title: Giving

teacher: Jacob Bender

date: June 19, 2016

scriptures: Matthew 6:1-4, John 5:44, Matthew 23, Romans 2:16, 1 Samuel 16:7, Isaiah 57:15, Jeremiah 22:16, Philippians 3:10, 1 John 4:6-7, 

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#5 Ekklesia

Please note: We experienced technical difficulties when recording this sermon. There are two places that the audio loses quality significantly. 


series: Jesus and Me (and the people we need)

title: Ekklesia

teacher: Jacob Bender

date: March 6, 2016

scriptures: Ephesians 2:13-22, 1 Peter 2:5, Ephesians 5:25-32, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, John 17, Acts 2, 

#3 The Intentional Heart

DATE: May 31, 2015
TEACHING: Jacob Bender
SERIES: Intentions
TITLE: The Intentional Heart

SCRIPTURES: Proverbs 20:6, Proverbs 22:1, Matthew 6:1-2, Matthew 19:16-22, Luke 18:18-30, Psalm 112:1, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 23, Jeremiah 31:33, Isaiah 32:8, Proverbs 19:17, Psalm 112, 1 John 3:16

Love. Serve. Repeat.

“a generous man devises a generous plan, and on generosity he shall stand” (Isaiah 32:8)”

Love. Serve. Repeat.

“Whoever is generous to the poor LENDS to the Lord… and HE will repay him for his deed.” (Proverbs 19:17)

Love. Serve. Repeat.

“Bare one another’s burdens, because that is how you fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

Love. Serve. Repeat.

Love. Serve. Repeat.

And before long, its just you.

#2 The Pretending Heart

DATE: May 24, 2015
TEACHERS: Jacob & Dawn Bender
SERIES: Intentions
TITLE: The Pretending Heart

SCRIPTURES: 1 John 1:5-10, Jeremiah 1:5, Isaiah 6, Genesis 2:16, Hebrew 6:17-19, Ephesians 6:20-21, Hebrews 4:13-16.

Who are you?
Where are you?
What are you hiding behind?
What are you hiding in front of?
Why are you hiding?

And when do we get to see the real you?