
series: καιρός (kairos)

title: Revival

date: January 14, 2018

scriptures: Galatians 6:9-10, John 5, John 5:14, Acts 3, Acts 4, Acts 3:19, Acts 4:3-4

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Dawn and I were driving home one afternoon a few weeks ago, we were in Dearborn on Ford Road heading back into the city. And we were talking about the church, and even more than our church, we were talking about what God is doing in Detroit, the feeling that is in the air, as well as the push back that seems to come with so much of what people are trying to do. It constantly frustrates me the amount of resistance that it seems like we get to everything that we try, and from what I can tell, that seems to be normal here. But then Dawn said something to me that really stuck with me, she said:

“I really believe revival is coming.”

and honesty, when I heard that something in me just exploded. I really believe it was the Holy Spirit just saying YES YES YES YES!!! I couldn’t agree with her more… now, neither of us know exactly what that looks like, but we know that we are a part of it! We know that Courage Church has a role in it! We don’t know if that means that it starts here, or what, but we know that it is bigger than ourselves, our building, our neighborhood… and as far as we are concerned, as we look forward into a hopeful future, uncertain of how exactly it will come:

we figure we are as good a place as any for it to start with. 



But we need to realize that if we want revival… we are the ones that need to wake up to it… it has to start with us… 

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