The Courage House is now open for new interns and short term missions teams . If you would like more information about either, please contact us.
please note: The Courage House remains under construction while we operate in it.
Courage House #1
The Courage House is a two unit property located just a few blocks from Courage Church. It is currently home to our Courage Discipleship Students and to our Short Term Missions Teams who visit us in Detroit.
There is room for you at the Courage House!
- Pastors, Youth Groups, Churches, Schools: We would love for you to consider bringing a short term missions team to spend a week with us in Detroit. Find out more about our Short Term Missions Program now!
- Students - we offer a gap year Discipleship Program where you live at the Courage House, study toward getting your pastoral credentials, and work on our team on the ground here in Detroit. Find more about Courage Discipleship School now!
Below is a Facebook live video that Josh Welborn (Michigan Assemblies of God District Youth Director) did with Jacob and Dawn Bender about the Courage House.