My Brother's Keeper

series: Letters of Love

title: #9 My Brother’s Keeper

date: June 3, 2018

scriptures: 1 John 3:11-18, Genesis 4, Matthew 5:21-26, Matthew 25:31-46

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To live our lives as if "we are not our brother's keeper" is the way of Cain, and we can not allow our minds to buy into that lie. The church exists not just for itself, but in order that it can be a flesh and blood example in our modern world of what the love of Jesus Christ actually looks like. 

It is a scary place to be when the non-religious world begins sounding more like Jesus than the church does, and yet in some ways that is exactly what has happened over the last few years.

We need to be transforming more and more into the image of Christ every day, not sacrificing it on the altar of self preservation. 

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Especially in a sermon as loaded as this one, you may have questions. If so, please submit them by clicking the "ask questions" image and we will try our best to respond to them to the best of our ability. 

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The below book is one of many recordings of the ways the Christians responded to the plagues mentioned in the sermon. 


Here is the PEW RESEARCH ARTICLE that was referenced during the sermon. 

When Pastor Jacob said "No group agrees less with the idea that the U.S. has a responsibility to help refugees than Christians do" he was quoting this article in the Washington Post, which cited the pew research article. 

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