James 5:13-20

series: Practice

title: James 5:13-20

teacher: Jacob Bender

Don't ever give up on people!!!

James ends his epistle by saying: 

My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. 

And I think that it is so significant that, like we have said the whole series, James is wisdom literature. It is practical stuff that shows us THIS IS WHAT YOUR LIFE LOOKS LIKE. and in Christian communities, we always are to gently, and lovingly restore one another when people get off track… but if there was no wisdom literature…

if there was no practical sense of how we apply the the gospel to our lives… then there would be no gage as to how people are even on or off course… 

and so I think that it is so significant, that James lays out throughout the entire epistle what it means to PRACTICE living a life that has been transformed by Jesus… and he ends by telling us “sometimes people are going to stray from this… and when that happens… there is nothing of more value than you and I walking alongside of them, and helping bring them back.”